We live in a constantly changing world that is overloaded with information and increasingly sensitive to where organisations are investing in programs.
Chase evaluates programs and projects to demonstrate their outcomes and impact. We make recommendations to improve their effectiveness, future program design and determine the need for continued funding.
Evaluations – Insightful Recommendations for Program Success
Chase helps our clients, whether they are not-for-profits, public companies or private enterprises, evaluate their programs and investment projects to improve their effectiveness, demonstrate their impact and make recommendations for future program design.
Chase undertakes highly intensive and strategic evaluations. We develop options to enhance and improve system performance, utilise geo-mapping technologies to enable us to undertake service planning evaluations such as population modelling and geographical mapping.
We have a proven framework for program evaluations:
Fundamental to the success of each evaluation project is defining the evaluation research model. This evaluation research model provides the framework for undertaking the research and evaluation activities in the project.
The evaluation research model is based on a system view consisting of:
Program objectives.
Program logic.
Process evaluation.
Outcome evaluation.
We use a mixed method approach, integrating quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis in research evaluation projects, including:
In-depth interviews.
Focus groups.
Stakeholder and partner consultation.
Management interviews.
Existing data and information sources (including previous research).
Metrics and analytics.
Chase Consulting conducts all evaluations as per the Australian Evaluation Society’s Guidelines for the Ethical Conduct of Evaluations.
Our Program Evaluation Expertise
Our program evaluation consulting expertise includes:
Evaluating community programs
Improving program design and implementation
Improving the program's effectiveness
Demonstrating program impact and benefits to funding sources and to the community
Comparing and sharing information of success with similar organisations
Determining the need for continued program funding
Recommending improvements for future programs and projects
Our experience and expertise enable us to deliver insightful evaluations, breakthrough outcomes leading to successful outcomes for our clients.