Emerald Grain - Annual Customer Surveys
Identifying changing customer habits to achieve long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty
Emerald Grain engaged Chase Consulting Group to conduct its annual surveys with its grower customers. These annual surveys highlight how Emerald’s grower customers’ preferences and behaviours are changing and are integral to achieving long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Emerald Grain - Annual Customer Surveys

Identifying changing customer habits to achieve long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty


Emerald Grain is one of the largest grain marketing and supply chain businesses in Australia with a presence across Australia’s key grain growing regions and is a trusted supplier of quality Australian grain to over 35 countries across the globe.

For the past seven years, Emerald Grain has engaged Chase Consulting Group to conduct the annual survey with its grower-customers to find out how their preferences and behaviours are changing and how Emerald can improve their service offering.


Chase designed the annual customer survey to identify the factors that influence farmers in their choice of agribusiness partner, the share of their farming production they allocate to each agribusiness partner, and the attractiveness of new product initiatives.

The annual survey also measures a number of performance benchmark skills including:
  • Customer service performance
  • Grower sentiment
  • Brand performance
  • Customer loyalty (Net Promoter Score);
  • Behaviours and habits of their grower-customers
  • Needs and expectations of each customer segment
  • Grain growing and marketing decision factors
The survey results and insights are summarised into a suite of customer-centric and brand scorecards that measures and tracks annual performance.

In addition, the annual customer survey includes a range of customer segmentation and geographic variables against which the results are analysed.


The annual survey now receives more than 1,100 responses from the 10,000 farming families across Emerald’s grain marketing network.
“Our annual survey highlights how our grower customers’ preferences and behaviours are changing and provides us with many deep insights into where the market segments are moving. These insights are integral to Emerald Grain’s strategic decision making and have emphasised the benefits of dynamic marketing strategy and the need for regular customer input.

The team at Chase are excellent to work with – each year we come up with a new challenge, new question, or new problem – Craig and the team go the extra mile to ensure we can uncover the customer insights we need. ”

The customer surveys results and insights have enabled Emerald to improve its customer service performance and meet the changing requirements of Australian grain growers. The annual surveys also provide deep insights that help ensure new grain marketing products meet Australian grower requirements and prioritise new grain handling and storage investment decisions.

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