Innovation Sprint

What's your biggest business opportunity?

You have a great idea.

And you know that opportunities don't just happen; you CREATE them.

In our Innovation Sprint program, you develop, improve and strengthen your business ideas.

Would you like to take your idea to the next level?

The Innovation Sprint develops ideas for new products, technologies, services and business models.

It’s a proven program for developing ideas into innovations.

The Innovation Sprint is an online self-paced program to powerful, actionable and executable business ideas.
You'll do things like:
What Makes an Idea Successful?

We start with, what makes a business idea, successful?

Your journey begins with the customer. We UNCOVER what makes a business idea desirable, one that your customer really needs.

Finding the Innovation Sweet Spot

We explore the market potential for your business idea.

We EXAMINE what makes a business idea feasible, one that builds on the strengths of your capabilities.

The Path Forward

What do you need to do to make your business idea happen?

The innovation sprint canvas helps you effectively tell your story, get input, and ADVANCE your thinking in the next phase of the innovation journey.

A lot of that sounds simple, but the results will be the best way to accelerate and improve your business ideas.
We Want You to Succeed, So We Give You Everything We Know You Will Need. 
 The Innovation Sprint Program. 
We are running the Innovation Sprint to help you develop, improve and strengthen your business ideas:
The Innovation Sprint Framework
The Innovation Sprint methodology is a practical, step-by-step program that increases your chances of success.
Activity 1 Your Business Idea: You get started by describing your business idea in one succinct and persuasive sentence. We explore what makes business ideas successful.

Activity 2 Customer Needs: You identify your target customer, as well as understanding what drives their choices, what their needs are, and what they expect of an excellent solution to fulfil those needs.

Activity 3 Market Potential: You explore both the total market, and the available market helps develop an offering or solution to address that market sweet spot.

Activity 4 The Offer / Solution: You define your innovative solution, the minimum viable product, and the type of innovation strategy to differentiate in the market.

Activity 5 Market Positioning: You develop the market positioning and align your market entry strategy with your unique value proposition, the market solution fit.

Activity 6 Testing the Business Idea:  You strengthen your business idea. Use our testing processes to test and evaluate the business idea and map out the most critical assumptions for testing.

Activity 7 Your Business Roadmap: You determine the significant milestones and critical actions that reduce the time to transform your business idea into a viable solution.
 The Innovation Sprint Format. 
The innovation sprint is available in two formats:
  1. On-Demand Program - Participants progress at their own pace and have up to 365 days to develop and strengthen their business ideas.
  2. Organization Program - The creative platform encourages employees to come up with ideas.  The action learning modules enables both individuals and teams to improve, reject, pivot and change the ideas until the idea is strengthened and ready for presentation to decision-makers.

The Innovation Sprint develops ideas for new products, technologies, services and business models and is suitable for social impact ideas and business ideas.
Content proved to deliver innovation results 

Watch this 2-minute video to get insight into who the program is for and what you can expect.

The Innovation Sprint Canvas 
The Innovation Sprint Canvas is a simple and visual approach for making your business ideas actionable and getting the work done. It accelerates your focus and learnings, moving your ideas to real business opportunities.
The canvas is built on six simple elements:
  1. The Business Idea
  2. Customer Needs
  3. Market Potential
  4. Marketing Positioning
  5. The Offer Solution
  6. The Path Forward
Completing the Innovation Sprint Canvas is an essential milestone in the innovation journey. It makes ideas ready to take forward and rapidly moves them along the innovation journey.

Our online Innovation Sprint Canvas enables the innovation team to design, test, and track project progress.

You'll walk away from the Innovation Sprint with:

  • The ability to develop a good idea into a strong business idea.

  • The Innovation Sprint Canvas for your business idea

  • A toolbox of skills to systematically develop solid business opportunities and select those with the highest potential for innovation

  • First-hand knowledge and practical application examples from successful innovations

  • A deeper understanding of how to identify, develop, test and validate business ideas


Designed for individuals and teams who want to build their business ideas using the principles of lean innovation.

The innovation sprint will benefit individuals and teams from all organisations, including organisations from the private and public sectors, and non-profit social enterprises.

Want to see more?
Click the button on the right to schedule your ZOOM call.
Click the button below to get the brochure!
What Participants Say

“The Innovation Sprint has been a really useful tool to support our team to develop our latest campaign plans. It has helped challenge our thinking and facilitated some essential conversations to discuss and explore ideas and provide a key framework for developing a united approach; to ultimately innovate a model for market success.

Working through the customer piece gave us clarity on who is our targeted customer, who is the financial customer and who are our stakeholders.

When we are increasingly adopting remote working habits, it’s great to have this tool available to help our team connect and have valuable conversations. We intend to keep using the Innovation Sprint for future idea development.”


"With the help of Chase Consulting, we enhanced our TRI2gether Program and developed our sustainability plan and started to build in-house innovation capability.
If you want to take a more structured and practical approach to innovation, Craig gives you step by step instructions and encouragement and motivation. But even more, the practical steps to develop a strong innovation plan.”

- Rob Ward – Clubs & Programs Manager Triathlon Victoria

"The Innovation Sprint gives a methodology to efficiently test a new idea, and then to present objectively-based results in a compact form. It can also provide a traceable path from initial concept to detailed viability analysis."

- Doug, Former Defence Industry Engineer

"The Innovation Sprint is most helpful for people right at the start of their business or product journey. In my case, it helped me to realise that I had all the basics worked out and that my next key decision was to determine which platform to use given the privacy and sensitivity of my client’s personal and medical information."

- Lucas Owen, The Cycling Physio

"In 3 short days, I've completed more than I've done in the last 6 months, and I really feel my business idea is on a great trajectory towards revenue and turning it into a solid business."

- Matt, 2019 Innovation Participant

“Craig from Chase Consulting helped us build Squash & Racquetball GO! as a viable and innovative product. Together we have been able to challenge the “normal sport program” concept and test our key messages to find the market sweet spot. Right from the start, Craig helped us to focus on the scale-up process with tangible resources and processes – so that now, we have been set up for future success.”

— Meredith Hodson – Sport Program Manager, Squash and Racquetball Victoria

How to Get Started, developing, improving and strengthening your business ideas?
Get started.
Innovation Sprint
Industry-leading instructor
Craig Peacock (PhD), Director Chase Consulting Group has over 25 years’ experience in innovation, strategy, and scaling businesses.
Tried, tested & optimised materials
We have mentored 35 organisations which have received $1.55 m in innovation seed funding over the past 7 years.
Over 6 hours of total content and activities

It’s a creative platform for developing innovations with 7 learning modules over 3 days.

Two ways to pay

Pay In AUD


100% online, part-time & self-paced.

Divider Text

Pay in USD


100% online, part-time & self-paced.

You will accelerate along the innovation journey to create YOUR business ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does the Innovation Sprint take?

For the sprint to be successful, participants should invest three to six hours of their time. The 3-day sprint keeps your business idea in front of mind; it reduces time and gives you clarity on what makes business ideas successful. The sprint sets you up to accelerate in the next phase of your innovation journey.

What is included?

It’s a creative platform for developing innovations:

  • Innovation Sprint Canvas Template
  • Innovation Sprint Workbook
  • 7 learning modules with videos, insights, tips and additional resources
  • Checklists for Testing and Evaluating Business Ideas
Meet the instructors

Craig Peacock (PhD), Director Chase Consulting Group has over 25 years’ experience in strategy, innovation and business cases. He is an Adjunct Teaching Fellow at Swinburne University of Technology. Craig is also a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC)

Do you offer one on one consultations?

We have available 30-minute complimentary Innovation Sprint Calls to help. Use your session as an opportunity for a deep dive into an aspect of the sprint so you can progress rapidly and get the most out of it.
Booking your Sprint Call is easy on our online booking page, just select a convenient time which suits you.

Can I view the modules on my tablet and phone?
Our Innovation Sprint modules are easy to use. It is designed to work on all devices. This includes phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. You can stop and resume at any time 24/7. Your progress is automatically saved and you can switch devices.
Intellectual Property and Confidentiality

Each Innovation Sprint participant owns their intellectual property. Chase Consulting makes no claim to ownership of intellectual property (IP) resulting from the business ideas and activities that it supports in the Innovation Sprint.

Chase Consulting has helped its clients develop their business ideas and innovations over the past 20 years, as per of our professional client consulting relationship and our Code of Ethics. Chase Consulting adheres to the Australian Institute of Management Consultants Code of Ethics.

Professional Development – Microcredential

The Innovation Sprint Microcredential is a certificate of completion for participants for improving their innovation skills.

All Innovation Sprint participants can apply for their Certificate of Completion at the completion of the Innovation Sprint. A small fee is applicable to cover the micro-credential assessment costs.

Make your next idea GREAT

We get you started. We help connect the dots. We ask the right questions to keep you on track.

As an Innovation Sprint participant, you can achieve more, faster.

Get Started on My Business Case Hub® for Free

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