Business Cases - transforming opportunities into lasting success
At the heart of all new initiatives and significant business decisions lies a robust business case.
With finite resources and competing priorities, it can prove challenging to get initiatives approved. Developing a robust and defensible business case requires a deep understanding of the Client's needs and the challenges they face from both within their organisation and their industry or sector.
The business case process identifies and evaluates the alternatives to recommend the best option. As a result, the business case process enables our clients to increase the proposed investment's benefits and value and reduce the risks. It also leads to a much greater likelihood of securing the approval to proceed with the investment project.
At Chase Consulting, we specialise in the drivers and issues that need to be considered in strategic business decisions. We have experience across various industries, helping clients produce clear, objective and easy to understand business cases.

Our Business Case Approach
Our services are tailored for each client’s needs based on their specific requirements. We provide a range of skills necessary to develop evidence-based business cases to support board, executive and management decision-making.
We help our clients:- Identify and clearly articulate the business or service need
- Aligned the business case recommendations with the organisation's strategic objectives
- Avoid many of the common pitfalls of business case preparation.
- Present a balanced consideration of options
- Demonstrate a robust value for money business case with detailed cost-benefit analysis
- Recommend sustainable solutions capable of continued efficiencies, savings and value
- Demonstrate their ability to deliver the project.
- Justify the preferred option.
The Business Case process is designed to help you develop an effective strategy for your project by providing guidance on how best to structure your proposal in order to maximise its chances of success. It also provides insight into what makes projects successful and why some fail.
We recommend a collaborative approach with our clients to build and write the business case. This collaborative approach for the business case aligns with our 5 STEPS Framework for developing solid business cases.

How Can We Help You?
At Chase Consulting, we provide the understanding and insight – together with the proven approaches – to help our clients safely and adeptly navigate the business case journey. So whatever the industry or sector, function or geography, we can help organisations avoid the significant causes of failure.
Our support begins at the earliest stages of innovation or project. We help our clients to build their business case justification, offering tools and services around customer insights, market research, business case development, stakeholder and value management, and benefits realisation.
We provide the required skills, experience, insights, methods and tools to develop and write robust business cases.
Connect with Chase to discuss the strategies and projects to improve your business.
Our Work with Clients on Business Case Outcomes