Professional Development to Expand Your Capabilities
It is difficult for leaders to justify their business case for investment to their Board and C-level executives.

So, they sit on their decisions for longer than they should. This keeps the business from moving forward and untapped potential gains from the investment.

We help leaders expand their capabilities through professional development. This way, they can look at their business case from various perspectives and thus build a solid business case for investment that is hard to argue against.
We support professionals and organizations worldwide to learn skills, best practices, or new techniques that they can use to develop their business cases.

We provide coaching, workshops, online courses, programs, and templates tailored to meet the needs of professionals in developing robust and compelling business cases.

We have provided these services for 20 years, helping leaders in over 55 countries.
Strategic Business Case Coaching
If you are a CEO, professional manager, finance director, business analyst, internal consultant of an organization without an effective business case process – we’re here to help.

Using our 5 STEPS Framework, we help you to improve your Business Cases by only focusing on the critical components that matter.

Our online coaching sessions combine our tested methodologies with 1:1 coaching to give you the personalized guidance you need to achieve your professional development goals.
Business Case Course - online
Would you like to save up to 30%-40% of your time and cost in preparing business cases by being trained through our Course?

Building the business case can be challenging for those who have never done it.

This course provides the knowledge and skills to create a robust business case and shorten the time to produce a final draft.

With 6 modules and 24 easy-to-follow lessons, you’ll learn to make better business cases, and be ready to present them to your board or investors.

You will develop new skills and build your business case expertise in the Business Cases Course.

Business Case Presentations and Pitch Decks - NEW!

Developing a winning business case presentation can be a demanding task for any professional manager whose organization wants to plan to grow, thrive and improve its systems and processes.

If you're looking for ways to develop and tailor your presentation to your decision-makers, then you've come to the right place!

We'll show you how to create a winning business case presentation and pitch deck that accurately communicates the value of your project to your stakeholders and more.

We work with you to build the business case presentation and pitch deck and help you to nail the Q&A after your presentation.

Business Case Workshops
1) Business Case Foundations
In this workshop, you will learn how to structure a business case, what information you need to include, how to present the value of your project in a manner that helps you get the funding and support you need.
2) Financial Analysis in Business Cases
This workshop goes deeper into the financial analysis used in business cases, with real examples to explore and learn the financial analysis techniques required in financially-robust business cases.
3) Business Case Masterclass
The Business Case Masterclass is a three-workshop program designed to develop your skills and ability to think strategically about business cases and how they can be used to drive business decisions.
Innovation Sprint Program
The Innovation Sprint is an online self-paced program to powerful, actionable and executable business ideas.

In our Innovation Sprint program you develop, improve and strengthen your business ideas.

The Innovation Sprint develops ideas for new products, technologies, services and business models.

It’s a proven program for developing ideas into innovations.
 Earn Your Business Case Microcredential Professional Certificate 
The Business Case Microcredential is a professional digital certificate of completion awarded to participants in our business case programs for improving their business case skills and expertise.

Learn It, Earn It Share It

The Business Case Microcredential is a convenient way to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and experience in writing and developing business cases.

Micro credentialing validates the knowledge and skills you have gained through our online programs and courses.

Professional leaders and organizations recognize micro credentials as a professional development qualification demonstrating new skills, capabilities and expertise.
Got questions,
schedule some time with us 
So, we can learn a little bit more about your business needs, and we will tailor a strategy call to meet your goals.
We've helped professionals in some of the world's biggest companies develop successful Business Cases — and we've seen them win big because of it.

"Our business case programs are based on Chase Consulting's 20 years of experience developing successful investment business cases."

Craig Peacock (PhD)
Director, Chase Consulting

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