Top Features
My Strategic Plans not only guides you through the development of strategic plans but also helps your team focus on the critical few strategies that will make a significant difference. With our "Strategy on One Page" feature, your team can visualize and align on these key strategies, ensuring clarity and streamlined execution.
This tool enhances the strategy-building process by enabling your team to clearly define, communicate, and prioritize the unique value and benefits of your strategies. It encourages focusing on those few critical initiatives that are most likely to drive substantial outcomes.
Whether you’re aiming to redefine your market strategy, expand into new territories, or enhance operational efficiency, My Strategic Plans provides the essential tools to translate strategic objectives into tangible successes. The "Strategy on One Page" ensures a unified and comprehensive understanding among all team members, promoting effective collaboration and strategic focus on what truly matters.
AI Tools - My Strategic Plan Generator
7-day access to My Business Case Hub®
1 AI Generation on your choice:
My Strategic Plans
My Proposals
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AI Tools - Strategic Plans, Innovations and Business Cases
12-months access to My Business Case Hub®
15 AI Generations included in Plan
My Strategic Plans
My Proposals
My Business Cases
My Financial Analysis
My Risk Analysis
My Slide Decks
My Project Plans
My Opportunities
Each creation uses one generation from you plan
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Multiple Plans, Business Cases and Proposals
Collaborative Tools and Team Business Cases
AI Business Case Prompts
Business Case Dictionary
Quick Start Guide
Onboarding and Demonstration
Dedicated Support
Add Ons
Team Training
Business Case Coaching
Business Case Course
Masterclass Program
Buy more AI Generations for $10 USD / $15 AUD each.
- My Business Case Hub is the business platform for professionals and business leaders to which you will have a login and password.
- My Business Case Hub's AI Tools include the My Strategic Plan Generator. The business tool is an AI-powered solution that generates customized strategic plans.
- The My Strategic Plan is designed to help you efficiently plan and construct a high-quality strategy.
- First, set up your account and login details on My Business Case Hub.
- Log into My Business Case Hub and navigate to the My Strategic Plan Generator. Here, you can access all of the generative AI features.
- To begin, enter the key details about your strategy to ensure the AI Tools has the context to generate a quality strategic plan.
- My Strategic Plan uses this information to create an initial draft of your strategic plans.
- Once you have your draft, you can review and refine it as necessary. My Strategic Plan allows for easy edits and adjustments to ensure that your final strategy aligns with your goals and presents your opportunity in the best possible light.
- How long it takes to write a strategic plan depends on what type of strategy you are writing.
- The time required to draft a strategic plan varies based on the complexity and scope of the strategy involved.
- An initial draft can be completed within 5 minutes once you've provided the necessary details about the business opportunity.
- Conversely, more complex strategies, deemed high value and involving significant risk, may require a more substantial effort to develop. Crafting such strategic plans could extend over several weeks or more, reflecting the depth and breadth of analysis and planning needed.
- You have access to our Help page, plus our AI chatbot for any questions about using these AI Tools.
- We also have available 30-minute complimentary Strategy Calls to help.
- Booking your Strategy Call is easy on our online booking page, just select a convenient time which suits you.
- You are in control of your data. My Business Case Hub dosent share your data with a third party.
- Your data and inputs remain private and are not used for any form of AI model training or development by My Business Case Hub and OpenAI.
- My Business Case Hub's AI Tools are built on the OpenAI API platform that provides Enterprise privacy.
- No, OpenAI does not use your data from My Business Case Generator to train or improve its models.
- OpenAI is committed to ensuring user privacy and data security, adhering to strict policies to protect your information.
- To learn more, visit see how OpenAI API use your data.
- The trial provides full access to our AI Tools for 7 days.
- You can utilize all the features, including AI-powered writing assistance, custom prompts, and more, to create comprehensive and persuasive strategies.
- During the 7-day trial period, you can create up to one AI Generation.
- Our team is available to assist you throughout your trial to ensure you get the most out of our AI Strategic Plan Generator.
- Each participant owns their intellectual property.
- Chase Consulting makes no claim to ownership of intellectual property (IP) resulting from the business opportunity being developed by users.
- Chase Consulting adheres to the Australian Institute of Management Consultants Code of Ethics.
- For over 20 years, we helped our clients develop their business cases and innovations as per of our professional consulting relationships and our Code of Ethics.
- To learn more about our Code of Ethics Policy, visit and our Privacy Policy visit