Improving advertising and promotional effectiveness
FMCG business improved sales performance from increased advertising effectiveness
An Australian listed FMCG business challenge was addressing the complex issue of improving advertising & promotional effectiveness across its marketing and sales departments. The business required a set of metrics to help quantify if their marketing activities and their sales promotions positively contributed to increased brand performance, sales performance and shareholder value.

Improving advertising and promotional effectiveness

FMCG business improved sales performance from increased advertising effectiveness


 An Australian listed FMCG business challenge was addressing the complex issue of improving advertising & promotional effectiveness across its marketing and sales departments. The business required a set of metrics to help quantify if their marketing activities and their sales promotions positively contributed to increased brand performance, sales performance and shareholder value.

Improving advertising and promotional effectiveness


Chase Consulting Group was engaged to develop and embed a suite of advertising and promotional effectiveness metrics (KPIs) into the marketing and sales departments to drive performance improvements.

Marketing and sales strategy maps were created detailing the strategic drivers of brand performance, new product development, shopper and consumer marketing, customer planning, in-store execution, the share of voice, supply and distribution. KPIs were evaluated and selected for quality and relevance to the strategic drivers.

Chase developed executive scorecards and reports linking the marketing and sales drivers to the strategic imperatives of volume, net sales revenue, controllable EBIT, market share and brand contribution. Executive scorecards and reports were then developed and deployed for Board, Executive and Department reporting.


Over the next three-month period our client quickly deployed and improved its advertising & promotional effectiveness performance metrics and reporting. They rationalised and simplified enterprise reporting across the marketing and sales departments and eliminated a number of reports prepared from Excel spreadsheets.

The improved reporting directly linked management reporting to organisation’s strategic plan, the budget and insights into the real drivers of advertising and promotional effectiveness (value and spend). The improved reporting also helped in quantifying how marketing and sales contribute to shareholder value.

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